About us
卤阿卤Lualu 是由Kitchies Ltd.旗下孵化的第一个品牌项目, 自从2016年上线以来,我们已经为超过20000名顾客配送了超过三十万份卤阿卤的产品。目前卤阿卤的销售范围已经覆盖到了英国的全部城市,主要客户来自伦敦,布里斯托,南安普顿,卡迪夫,曼城,伯明翰,考文垂,诺丁汉,莱斯特,利兹,约克,谢菲尔德,利物浦,爱丁堡,格拉斯哥等。
Lualu is the first brand incubated by Kitchies Ltd. Since its launch in 2016, we have delivered over 300,000 braised products to more than 20,000 customers. Currently, Lualu's sales coverage has reached all cities in the UK, with main customers from London, Bristol, Southampton, Cardiff, Manchester, Birmingham, Coventry, Nottingham, Leicester, Leeds, York, Sheffield, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow and other cities.
2016年,卤阿卤Lualu 在 Newcastle 中央厨房上线,2017年陆续在 London 开设新的中央厨房和配送站点。受疫情影响,我们在2020年暂时关闭了伦敦中央厨房,并暂停了其他城市配送站点的计划。目前所有订单全部通过Newcastle 中央厨房统一发货。
In 2016, Lualu Braised Foods launched in Newcastle's central kitchen. In 2017, new central kitchens and distribution sites were established in London. Due to the impact of the pandemic, we temporarily closed the London central kitchen in 2020 and paused plans for distribution sites in other cities. Currently, all orders are shipped from the Newcastle central kitchen.
Get in touch with us
Other ways to contact us
Email: contact@lualu.co.uk
WeChat: lualu-uk